Results of conversation café hosted on 30th June, 2023

This online international event is organized within the collaborative mechanisms of Catalyst 2030, a global collaborative platform of impact leaders and organizations. Moderated by secretariat of Catalyst 2030, it is hosted by African Continental Crafts and Engabu Za Tooro, a Uganda based for profit social enterprise and a nonprofit respectively which have developed Traditional Artisan…

Tooro Kingdom awards Engabu Za Tooro Director, Mr. Stephen Rwagweri for promotion of safeguarding heritage

Tooro Kingdom through its royal administration and after nomination by the Kingdom’s population awarded Mr. Stephen Rwagweri an order of inspirational and distinguished personality in recognition of his contribution to promoting of safeguarding heritage in the kingdom and beyond. Mr. Rwagweri is a social worker and a culture expert at UNESCO level representing accredited Non…

A book on ceremonies and practices associated with Empaako naming system

This book presents a comprehensive documentation in form of text, transcription and photography of the Empaako naming system. The first chapter introduces five bearer communities of Empaako naming system which have been covered by this research and two chapters that follow bring out the definition, interpretations, translations and theories of the origin of Empaako naming…

Hello world!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce scelerisque iaculis libero, ac pellentesque mi fermentum vitae. Donec ipsum tellus, dapibus at blandit sed, iaculis quis est. Maecenas luctus facilisis lacus, et aliquet arcu cursus vitae. Nulla dolor erat, iaculis in gravida quis, pellentesque sed tortor. Aliquam varius euismod orci venenatis tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada…

Hello world!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce scelerisque iaculis libero, ac pellentesque mi fermentum vitae. Donec ipsum tellus, dapibus at blandit sed, iaculis quis est. Maecenas luctus facilisis lacus, et aliquet arcu cursus vitae. Nulla dolor erat, iaculis in gravida quis, pellentesque sed tortor. Aliquam varius euismod orci venenatis tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada…